
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Review of clinical trial reports

 2.1 Pain

The effectiveness of acupuncture analgesia has already been

established in controlled clinical studies. As mentioned

previously, acupuncture analgesia works better than a placebo

for most kinds of pain, and its effective rate in the treatment of

chronic pain is comparable with that of morphine. In addition,

numerous laboratory studies have provided further evidence of

the efficacy of acupuncture’s analgesic action as well as an

explanation of the mechanism involved. In fact, the excellent

analgesic effects of acupuncture have stimulated research on


Because of the side-effects of long-term drug therapy for pain

and the risks of dependence, acupuncture analgesia can be

regarded as the method of choice for treating many chronically

painful conditions.

The analgesic effect of acupuncture has also been reported for

the relief of eye pain due to subconjunctival injection (14), local

pain after extubation in children (15), and pain in

thromboangiitis obliterans (16).

2.1.1 Head and face

The use of acupuncture for treating chronic pain of the head

and face has been studied extensively. For tension headache,

migraine and other kinds of headache due to a variety of

causes, acupuncture has performed favourably in trials

comparing it with standard therapy, sham acupuncture, or mock

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (17–27).

The results suggest that acupuncture could play a significant

role in treating such conditions.

Chronic facial pain, including craniomandibular disorders of

muscular origin, also responds well to acupuncture treatments

(28–31). The effect of acupuncture is comparable with that of

stomatognathic treatments for temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction. Acupuncture may be useful as complementary

therapy for this condition, as the two treatments probably have

a different basis of action (2, 32).

sources : Acupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials

Monday, January 30, 2023

Penyakit, gejala atau keadaan yang mana akupunktur telah dibuktikan melalui ujian terkawal untuk menjadi rawatan yang berkesan

Penyakit, gejala atau keadaan yang akupunktur telah dibuktikan—melalui ujian terkawal—menjadi satu rawatan yang berkesan


Reaksi buruk terhadap radioterapi dan/atau kemoterapi

Rinitis alahan (termasuk demam hay)

Kolik biliari

Kemurungan (termasuk neurosis kemurungan dan kemurungan

selepas strok)

Disentri, bacillary akut

Dismenorea, primer

Epigastralgia, akut (dalam ulser peptik, akut dan kronik

gastrik, dan gastrospasme)

Sakit muka (termasuk gangguan craniomandibular)

Sakit kepala

Hipertensi, penting

Hipotensi, primer

Induksi buruh

Sakit lutut


Sakit pinggang

Malposisi janin, pembetulan

Morning sickness

Pening dan muntah

Sakit leher

Sakit dalam pergigian (termasuk sakit gigi dan

disfungsi temporomandibular)

Periarthritis bahu

Kesakitan selepas pembedahan

Kolik buah pinggang

Artritis reumatoid




Siku tenis

sumber : Acupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials