
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Alopecia, Baldness

Baldness, falling of hair ; Alopecia is mainly classified into alopecia areta and alocepia seborrhoeica. It is related to mental and nervous factor and also due to the disturbance of endocrine. In traditional Chinese Medicine, alocepia is called ‘You Feng’ The causes of alocepia are due to dryness of blood due to domination of wind – evil.

Treatment: Plum blossom – needle therapy, acupuncture scalp area.
Extra Ac Pts: G20 Fengshi, B 13 Feishu, B23 Shenshu St 36 Zusanzli

Case Record : 153 Patient Female Age 32 yrs. History – hair started falling 3 months ago with itching, hyperemia and dandruff at the beginning. Two third of the hair in the front scalp and temporal region had fallen. The diagnosis eas ‘Alocepia Seborrhoeica’.

After 10 sitting ever alternate day, the falling of hair and itching became reduced. After 20 sitting hpyermia and dandruff were markely reduced with tiny hair beginning to appear in patches and after 6 months of continuous treatment, new hair has grown up.

Bahasa Melayu: Masalah Rambut gugur, kulit kepala gatal dan botak adalah disebabkan masalah mental, depress atau tension disusuli gangguan tenaga hayat atau ‘qi’. Rawatan akupunktur dan makan ubat homeopati selama 6 bulan adalah rawatan terbaik untuk memulihkan penyakit rambut gugur atau botak